Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Asansam version 2.1.4 Released Add Full service For Blackberry Phones(weekly update)

Asansam version 2.1.4 Released

Add Full service For Blackberry Phones

Weekly Update Again


  1. Special Read info

  2. Read full information

  3. Read Patriot information

  4. Full erase

  5. Repair red blink

  6. Usb wipe

  7. Usb checker

  8. Set usb port

  9. Set normal mode

  10. Read filesystem

  11. Write ramimage

  12. Write mfi file

  13. Write sfi file

  14. Write api file

  15. Write nal file

  16. Write app file

  17. Hang repair

  18. Write Font/Keyboard File

  19. Erase filesystem

  20. Erase os password

  21. Erase user data

  22. Read/Check his and hos mode

  23. Enable His mode

  24. Enabel Hos mode

  25. Reset it policy

  26. Reset log info

  27. Reset to factory

  28. Set default time

  29. Wipe application

  30. Wipe installer partition

  31. Wipe os

  32. Wipe system

About All service

  1. Extracts and then displays a wealth of information about the device

  2. Extracts and then displays a full information about the device

  3. Extracts and then displays information on the patriot kernel currently loaded

  4. Erases
    all of the user's data off the device including the filesystem and
    the password. This command is useful if a password is lost and one
    would like to make the device usable again at the expense of lost

  5. Repair red blink(need write full os after use)

  6. Removes all port mappings currently in the registry.

  7. Displays information about the currently

    connected devices and about the port mappings currently in the registry.

  8. check and set or fix usb connection

  9. Adds
    a new mapping (assuming one doesn't already exist) for each connected
    device.The new port number(s) will be reported upon success. Port
    mappings may be removed with the WIPE or edited with RegEdit.exe
    (\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Research In Motion\USB Port Mappings).

  10. Dump
    the file system data from a device to the specified file. There must
    be a valid OS on the device. Since this dump a plaintext copy of the
    data, it is only supported on insecure devices.

  11. Write ramimage(check file version before use)

  12. Write mfi file(check file version before use)

  13. Write sfi file(check file version before use)

  14. Write api file(check file version before use)

  15. Write nal file(check file version before use)

  16. Write app file(check file version before use)

  17. Hang repair

  18. Write Font File(change language and add keyboard language on phone)

  19. Need write again after use

  20. specifies that the OS should be erased as well (requires password)

  21. Please use backup button before use(lose all data)

  22. please read 34/35

  23. The
    HIS puts the device into Head in Sand mode.Namely, after use this
    button, the device will reset on a catastrophic error instead of
    displaying an error code

  24. The HOS takes the device out
    of Head in Sand mode. Namely, after use this button, the device will
    NOT reset on a catastrophic error and will display an error code

  25. Reset IT policy to factory settings(lose all data)

  26. Clears the handheld event log

  27. Reset phone to factory settings(lose all user data)

  28. Sets the time on the handheld to the current time

  29. Wipe applications only

  30. Wipe installer partition

  31. Allows the filesystem or all the filesystem and OS regions of flash to be irreversibly erased

  32. Wipe file system only

About Write


If the new OS is larger than the the OS currently on a device, the
entire device will be erased and the contents of the file system will
be lost.If loading a new FS image any old data on the device is lost.

There must be a valid OS on the device

ASANSAM_2.1.3 to 2.1.4 Updater.exe
How to use Asansam updater?



2.1.3(copy in c:/asansam2)



JUST WAIT TO Happy New Year(NOURUZ 1392)

Asansam version 2.1.5 Released Still Need Other samsung Android Tool

Asansam version 2.1.5 Released Still Need Other samsung Android Tool?

Asansam version 2.1.5 Released

Happy Nowruz 1392

Nowruz Gift To All Asansam Users

Second Update In This Week

First in World

Amazing and Really Hot Update

Add Read Pattern Unlock Code
(First in World)

All Samsung Android Phones Supported

Add Restore PB in UBtool Tab
(First in World)































About Read Pattern code
Need Enable Usb Debugging(NO NEED MOST OPS MODELS)
Need Root

Need Internet Connection
Without Lose All data


Prepairing ...OK

Device Found!

Reading Pattern Lock ... OK

Fetching Data ...OK

Analyzing Data ...OK

Hash : 7BF73061D4030CB2D1828D4AFB7F99478F8089DF

Connecting to Calculation Server...OK

Verify... OK

Pattern Lock Sequence : 325896

Operation Completed

Operation Time: 00:00:06

About Restore PB(Please read carefully)
is option and Button is for only phones that startup is ok but phone show unknown baseband and when go to recovery mode show u E: failed to mount /efs (Invalid argument) Only
----Please read manual before use this button
----Never dont risk and use this Method for failed to mount /data or failed to mount /system problem

ASANSAM_Rev2.1.5.exe(Direct Link)
Unistall all about asansam and install new version again

The best box for repair unknown baseband in gsm world

Still Need Other Samsung Android Tool?

Imxx u9120 ready

1. Abren Huawei_Advanced_Tool

2. Conectan el tlf encendido

3. Eligen el modelo

4. Connect phone

5. El software te lee la info del tlf

6. Repair imei

7. Te pide que conectes y desconectes el cable

8. Le pasan la flash al tlf y listo

El proceso es super sencillo una imagen vale mas que mil palabras

IPhone AT&T Price has been Reduce 10 SE & New IPhone Carriers added

IPhone AT&T Price has been Reduce 10 SE & New IPhone Carriers added [ 28-01-2013 ]

Dear Users ,

We would like inform you that IPhone Unlock Price has been dropped from today and

we have been added Some IPHONE Latest Carrier .

iPhone unlock - provider: iPhone unlock AT&T USA 0-1 day - 10 SECS Credits

iPhone unlock - provider: iPhone unlock Telus 0-1 day - 145 SECS Credits

iPhone unlock - provider: iPhone unlock Telstra 0-1 day - 20 SECS Credits

iPhone unlock - provider: iPhone unlock Movistar 0-1 day - 25 SECS Credits

iPhone unlock - iPhone unlock Swisscom 0-1 day - 350 SECS Credits

How To Unlock IPhone By Universalbox


SmartSamBox Auto Update Installer Step By Step

STEP 1: Open Software > Go Settings

STEP 2: Check Automatically Check For updates & Press Save & Apply

STEP 3: Check Highlighted New Version Message Top Of Menu Press It

STEP 4: Just Wait While Exe Will Updated

All coolsand chips Successfully Unlocked / Repaired / Flashed

๑۩۞۩๑ All coolsand chips Successfully Unlocked / Repaired / Flashed. ๑۩۞۩๑

DEU AB-11 8853A Successfully READ AND UNLOCK.




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