I purchased the pro activation from cellcorner because it said "Z3x
Samsung PRO activation addon enables support for newest Samsung models.
NEW SAFE DIRECT UNLOCK method for Galaxy S4, S5, S6, Edge, Note 3,
G530h, SM-A3000, A5000, G900T, G900P, N910R4, T217A, N910A, C105, N910P,
G870A, G920A, G925A and lots of others without certificate writing."
"Samsung PRO activation allows safe direct unlock, IMEI repair without
rooting or EFS wipe, SN, Bluetooth, WiFi, Product code, etc. for
majority of new Samsung mobile phones. This solution will not touch any
calibration data, meaning that 3G/LTE network will remain unaffected.
Also it adds support for Android 5.x phones, current version of z3x software gives MSL error with these phones. "
I cannot figure out how to repair the IMEI on it. Any help? Do I need a Cert? Was cellcorner wrong